After months of thought, I have finally decided to wean Trip off of breast feeding. It was such a bittersweet decision because it's the best thing for him, but my supply went way down, and the thought of another weekend of "power pumping" to get my supply back up killed me. I commend people who do it for an entire year while going back to work...that is such a commitment! Trip will be six months in a few weeks, so I feel like I gave it a good run. It was such a blessing to be able to do it for that long, plus such a money-saver! $25 a week on formula, plus food is kicking up our grocery bill something serious!
Trip rolled over for the first time this past Sunday and I jumped up and down like a big goob. I never thought I would get so excited about it, but of course I did. He rolled from his back to his front (which I thought may happen because he hates tummy time so much), and then immediately went from his front to his back.
I understand every new stage/phase brings new and exciting things, but teething makes me feel like I'm back in those first few weeks after having Trip. We aren't sleeping. Between 3:30 and 4:00 in the morning (aka the witching hour), Trip wakes up screaming. The only way I could figure out for him to go back to sleep is to take him to the couch where we sleep from 4 until 6:30. I now understand why people let their kids sleep in the bed with them...sometimes that's all you can do! That won't happen and I know sleeping with him on the couch isn't the best thing for him/us either. We've tried teething tablets, tylenol, orajel (that seems to work the best), etc but no matter what...he always wakes up during that time and we cannot get him back down. I'm hoping this phase passes soon and maybe the next teeth won't be so bad!
I finally made an appointment with a photographer to take Trip's 6 month photos next month and I'm so excited! He is in such a cute stage right now, so I can't wait to get some professional pics taken!! Below are some amateur shots :)

Until next time, have a great Easter!!!