
Thursday, February 23, 2012

4 Months

Even though he is only 4 months, I cannot get over how fast it has flown by. I feel like this month brought on some changes (only big in my eyes...hahaha). He is holding his head up pretty well, but not as well as I would like him to. We just started him on rice cereal two nights ago. The first night was a big flop because I didn't mix it thick enough and it just fell out of his mouth. I took him to his 4 month check-up and the doc said everything looks great. He is 25" long and weighs just under 15 lbs. He's right at the 50th percentile, but his head is in the 75th. She said he should be rolling over at 6 months and I hope he does. I don't think he's anywhere close.

We tried rice cereal again last night and below is what happened. Keep in mind, this shot is just of him closing his eyes. He was awake during this picture. He sat sideways the entire time I fed him and it was quite entertaining...

We tried putting him in the jumper, but when he only kicks his head sideways and can't hold it up, nevertheless jump, it didn't work too well. He doesn't scream when we put him in the Bumbo, so I guess that's progress?

The women at daycare love him, even though, like every baby, he has his fussy days.

I have to say, just supplementing the rice cereal for one feeding is a huge load off my back. I nurse for a little bit, and then feed him the rice cereal, and so far so good. Then, around 9:00 or 10:00 I give him a formula bottle for his dream feed. He seems to be sleeping better, considering he's been very stopped up for the past week. I hope it keeps up. Doc said that we can start him on baby food after a few days, so I'm really excited to see what he takes to.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Things have been crazy around the Tidwell household, but I've never been happier. Trip has been a dream every since he started day care. We used to have a battle every single night between 6-9 to get him down, but he's been so active at day care, he goes down without a problem between 7 and 8 every night. I can't believe how much he's grown and how much of a personality he has developed just within the last month. He smiles all the time and the only time he cries is when he's fussy or has a bad diaper (knock on wood). I've toyed with the idea of weening him off breast feeding, but then I get on the scale and I've dropped more weight. It's frustrating at times because I do have to plan everything around his feedings and/or pumping. But, at the same time, we're tied together and it really is a special thing to be able to continue doing. I think once he drops the 3:00 a.m. feeding I may reconsider.

I'm happy to say that I have gotten back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but I was at my heaviest when I got pregnant. I still want to lose at least 15 more lbs, but it's a good feeling to get back into my old clothes. I must have lost the weight in different areas, or my hips have gotten wider since I had him. Most of my pants still don't quite fit right.

I have also started working from home and it's amazing! In the mornings, I wake up around 6:00 to feed him. He is absolutely at his cutest in the morning time! While Michael is getting ready, I spend that time playing with Trip in the living room and getting in some good snuggle time. After I get them out the door, I get ready for the day. I actually get a ton more work done at home because I don't have the distractions. I've been picking up Trip around 4:00 in the afternoons. The extra time with him makes going back to work that much easier.