
Saturday, February 4, 2012


Things have been crazy around the Tidwell household, but I've never been happier. Trip has been a dream every since he started day care. We used to have a battle every single night between 6-9 to get him down, but he's been so active at day care, he goes down without a problem between 7 and 8 every night. I can't believe how much he's grown and how much of a personality he has developed just within the last month. He smiles all the time and the only time he cries is when he's fussy or has a bad diaper (knock on wood). I've toyed with the idea of weening him off breast feeding, but then I get on the scale and I've dropped more weight. It's frustrating at times because I do have to plan everything around his feedings and/or pumping. But, at the same time, we're tied together and it really is a special thing to be able to continue doing. I think once he drops the 3:00 a.m. feeding I may reconsider.

I'm happy to say that I have gotten back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but I was at my heaviest when I got pregnant. I still want to lose at least 15 more lbs, but it's a good feeling to get back into my old clothes. I must have lost the weight in different areas, or my hips have gotten wider since I had him. Most of my pants still don't quite fit right.

I have also started working from home and it's amazing! In the mornings, I wake up around 6:00 to feed him. He is absolutely at his cutest in the morning time! While Michael is getting ready, I spend that time playing with Trip in the living room and getting in some good snuggle time. After I get them out the door, I get ready for the day. I actually get a ton more work done at home because I don't have the distractions. I've been picking up Trip around 4:00 in the afternoons. The extra time with him makes going back to work that much easier.

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