
Monday, July 9, 2012

Beach Trip

My baby is growing up so fast!  Trip will be 9 months next week and I just can't believe it.  I swear, for the first few months he was just a beautiful baby that hung out in his bouncer all day, and then bam...he's a babbling, moving, real person!  We just got back from the beach and had a great time.  I have come to realize that I'm not the most relaxed parent on the planet, even though I prided myself on being that way.  I am probably horrible for saying this, but sometimes I wondered if me and Trip had developed a strong bond yet.  He laughs and snuggles with me, but I never really got the sense that he "needed" me until recently.  Since he goes to daycare, he never  got separation anxiety.  Trust me, not that I wanted him to, but it's nice to see him reach out and want to be held by me.  I had a hard time letting others hold him when he started getting fussy.  He reaches out for me to grab him and it just melts my heart!!  It makes for one exhausting vacation, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

He loved the sand, but kept putting it in his mouth and made an awful face.  He slept a couple of hours on the beach underneath the canopy for two of the days, so that was nice to get some good laying out time.  I haven't seen the sun all summer so I definitely needed the color.

We went out to Peg Leg Pete's one day and he did great.  Three of the waitresses kept looking at him and telling me how cute he was.  Then, another waitress walked by and told me I had a Gerber baby.  I'm not going to lie, that makes my day.  Another woman in the grocery store told me I had the next Gerber baby on my hands.  I of course walk around thinking he is the most beautiful baby on the planet :)

Trip is doing this thing where he randomly starts squealing, which isn't a big deal, but then he added on this loooooooooong "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" as well.  It's funny when we are home, but when we are out in public, it can get a little uncomfortable when he disturbs people's lunch.  Hahahhaa.

He is sitting up great, and I keep trying to work with him on the crawling, but he isn't quite there yet.  We have a doc appointment next week, so I'm interested to see where he lands in the weight/height categories.  He seems really long to me.  With parents who average around 5' 5", we are praying he can beat the odds.

 Lunch outing in his big boy high chair

Playing with baby Lily early in the morning

 This pool was the best purchase for the beach.  He loved it!

 Waiting on everyone to get ready to head to the beach

 One of his long beach naps.  So sweet!

The car ride home.  He did amazing!

This one is just for fun.  This is how I found him when he first woke up. 

Look at those rosy cheeks!

I'm trying to prepare myself to leave him when we go to Chicago next month.  I'm turning into quite the possessed mother.  Until next time!