The biggest thing that has been happening the past two weeks has been the weight gain. Between the panting after walking 50 feet, eating TWELVE packs of sour patch kids in 8 days, this weird fat pouch on my stomach, and gaining 4 pounds in a week, I'd say I have all the symptoms of an obese kid. I refuse to post pictures of my pregnant belly until it's a cute one. Don't hold your breath. Oh, another thing is if I don't eat every two hours, I'm a big ol' B to be around. Again, sorry Michael.
I tried to be "active" one Saturday afternoon and pick up all the fallen sticks from our back yard. I made it all of twenty minutes before I had to come inside, drink some water, and have a snack. I'm even having dreams about food! Last night I had the ultimate pregnancy dream. I was on a mission to get a BMT sandwich from Subway and find both Edward Cullen and Jason Stackhouse (my sexy vampire crushes). The sandwich was first on the agenda.
I'm so excited to find out the sex in two weeks, I can hardly contain myself. I thought I was having a girl until recently. Either way, I will be excited. I just want it to be healthy. I've been pretty open about the names and think I've finally landed on the girl's name. If it's a boy, he will be Barry Michael Tidwell III (Trip) and if it's a girl she will be Olivia Claire Tidwell. It's going to be balls-t0-the-wall once I find out the sex. There's going to be some serious shopping trips and I finally get to start planning the nursery!! Whoop whoop!