
Monday, May 14, 2012

Growing Up

It's been forever since I last posted, but so much has been going on it's hard to keep up with.  Trip is growing more and more every day and I cannot believe he is almost 7 months!   He started rolling over at about 5.5 months which was a relief because the doctor told me he needed to roll over by 6 months.  I definitely do not want to wish his life away, but I do think his life would be a whole lot more entertaining if he could sit up on his own.  He does this backwards push thing that's almost like a crab crawl.  If I leave the room for a second, he will end up all the way under the coffee table.

Easter was great.  We went to stay with my mom and had a relaxing weekend.  Trip was absolutely adorable in his Easter outfit and ended up getting three Easter baskets filled with goodies.  The little guy is slightly spoiled to say the least.

The women at his day care love on him all the time and I'm going to be upset when we have to take him to his new day care in August.  The good news is that I think we can extend past the 24 week maximum (technically its supposed to end June 22nd), but he will just move to the room across the hall for that two month time frame.
He is by far the biggest one in the classroom since most parents only use this day care for a couple of months :)

He does have a girlfriend named McKinnley, and I think she is way more into him than he is with her.  Hahaha. Every day she grabs his hand to hold on during their outside stroll.  It's the cutest thing and Miss Tara sent me home with a picture to show proof.  He's a little pimp and I love it!

We had his 6 month pictures taken this past Saturday and he didn't smile one time.  Michael says he has a lot of me in him and he wasn't going to placate to her because she was late.  That does sound about right.

We are headed up to the river for Memorial Day weekend and I'm so excited to take him up there, because we will be spending the better part of his summers up there I'm sure.  We are taking him down to the beach for the 4th of July, but by August we will be leaving him overnight for our trip to Chicago and then for our trip to Dallas for the Alabama/Michigan game. I have to really psych myself up to leave him, but I think it will be really good for Michael and I to get away together and enjoy some adult time.

We started feeding Trip solid food about 2.5 months ago and he hasn't looked back.  He doesn't particularly like the meat ones, which I don't blame him, but he will eat them.  I was giving him solids for lunch and dinner, and then about a month ago started doing rice cereal and fruit mixed together for breakfast.  Now he is eating two 8 oz bottles between breakfast/lunch and then one mid afternoon, and we are still doing the dream feed with formula and rice cereal.  I think he is close to dropping the dream feed soon because he has only been drinking around 4 to 6 oz (down from 8).

He isn't necessarily big by any means, but he's a very sturdy boy and he is really long (75th percentile for height).  He is going through clothes like crazy and I just can't wrap my head around how fast time is going!! It seems like things dragged in the beginning because he just kind of sat there and all he did was eat and sleep and then...bam!

This was my first Mother's Day and it couldn't have been more perfect.  Michael woke up with Trip and let me sleep in until 9:00.  I can't remember the last time I slept past 6:30.  It was glorious!  He gave me a card from Trip (hand-written by Trip) and one from him (brought a tear to my eye it was so sweet).  Then he made me breakfast and wrote "mom" in whipped cream.  He gave me some really pretty jewelry and a candle from Francesca's and we went on a family outing to our favorite place...Costco.  The woman at check out said "ohhhhh girl!!!  I can't even HANDLE how cute he is!".  Needless to say, life is good and I love to see this little man growing up every day in front of me.

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