Lookie what Michael bought me for my push present!!!

The image is a little fuzzy, but I'm obsessed with my first David Yurman ring!! It doesn't fit my fat, swollen fingers yet, but hopefully soon! I just can't explain how great Michael has been throughout this entire pregnancy. I'm definitely feeling the love right now and I cannot wait to start this new chapter in our life together. It's funny this blog started out really sarcastic and bitter and now I'm a super big cheese ball all of a sudden.
I have had so many showers and received so many thoughtful gifts from friends and family. We are officially ready to have this baby! Well, according to the required baby products we are ready...mentally, I'm not so sure if Michael is. The car seat is in, the bags are packed, and I am just sitting on go. We have about 3.5 weeks left.
I had my first weekly doctor's appointment this Monday and I was only 1/2 cm dilated and there was a little softening, but all in all, the doc said it was going to be awhile. Trip's a little tease, because I thought for sure this kid was going to arrive early. The swelling is getting worse and worse by the day and sleep is becoming a distant memory. I'm so ready...God, I'm ready.
I'm not really having cravings anymore, but I'm so bored and cannot do anything, that all I do is eat. I've gained soooooooooooooooo much weight and its going to be so hard to drop it, but it sure has been fun putting it on. The nursery is pretty much complete, but I just have to hang some things on the wall. I've got to post pictures soon!!
I want to try to stop by and see you before the baby comes! Maybe Rowe can pick Caroline up one thursday or friday (when he is in town) and I can swing by on my way home. Can't believe he is going to be here so soon!!!