
Monday, October 17, 2011


Holy moly, mother, tomorrow is the big day. I went to the doctor this morning and I will be induced first thing tomorrow!! I had prepared myself for bad news, but I am 2 cm dilated and 40% effaced. He still hasn't dropped at all, but the doc feels comfortable inducing if I was too uncomfortable...which I am. Turns out tomorrow she is on call and had a spot available, so she put me down! Eek! I've been "ready" for quite some time, but now that it's here I'm freaking out a little bit. We've done everything we can possibly do to prepare and I can barely get around anymore I'm so big. I finally get to meet him tomorrow! Our lives are never going to be the same. Wow, I'm going to be a mother.

We check into the hospital at 6:30 a.m. and they are going to break my water at 7:00 and start me on pitosin to help get the contractions going. I'm not allowed any food or drink (besides water) after midnight tonight and she said I probably won't have him until tomorrow night. It's kind of nice being able to plan and get everything completely ready, Sam dropped off at Jared's, and the bags completely packed before the big hospital trip.

This morning while I was waiting to see the doctor, I went in for the ol' pee-in-a-cup. When I looked in the mirror, I realized that I had ripped my maternity jeans down the front crotch area. You could see my big scary granny panties. At that point, I just threw my hands up and I was completely done with the whole pregnancy. I didn't even know people could rip maternity jeans, but apparently I can. Every stranger I see the past week has given me the "oh god, you poor thing" look. It's really nice of them, but it just reminds me of how big I really am. Oh and I got on the scale and I was like 4 lbs heavier than last week!! At the end of the day, I'm glad the big day is tomorrow so I don't gain any more weight!! I'm out of control!!!

There's a lot going through my head right now. Will I be a good enough mother? Will I be able to stand the labor? Will we form an instant connection? What the hell have I gotten myself into?! And so on and so on. I'm very excited to meet him. I can't imagine what he looks like, except I have a feeling he is going to have a TON of hair. Mommy is a big hairy wildabeast :) Anyways, this time tomorrow there is a good change he'll be here!! Pictures to come!!


  1. You are going to do great tomorrow AND be a great mother! I am so excited for you guys and will be waiting to hear the news of his arrival. Try to get some rest tonight (if you can)!!! Oh and the nursery is precious!

  2. Stephanie I am so incredibly proud of you!!! You are so much stronger than you think. You are going to do AWESOME tomorrow. But, even more than that you are going to be an AMAZING mother!!! We are praying for ya'll and CANNOT wait to see that precious baby Trip! I just said to you remember the night before we had Sam? I know your emotions and excitement are all over the place. So excited for you. Can't wait!!!! You are going to do GREAT!
