
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My baby is growing up...

Oopsies, I realized it has been over a month since I last posted.  A lot has been going on and Trip is growing up more and more every day.  It's so weird to think that he will be 1 in just two weeks.  He is crawling everywhere, but I don't think he is anywhere close to walking.  I love the kid, but he might be just the laziest baby out there!  I've been trying to work with him on the simplest things, like holding his own bottle.  He is perfectly capable, and has done it before, but he just drops it and gives me a look like, "you gonna get that?" Even feeding him his baby crack snacks, the little Gerber crunchies.  He can't get enough of them, but half of the time, instead of taking them from my hand, he leans forward and opens his mouth.  Now, I'm fully aware that this is a result of me not pushing hard enough or being more vigilant about teaching him things.

He's been crawling for a few months now, and we just now put a gate up for our sanity.  He gets really bored easily and just wants to explore everything.  He is uninterested in his toys (he has about a million) and if he discovers something new, as simple as his fingernail clippers, he will play with them for a solid 30 minutes just picking them up and throwing them on the ground.  Hey, whatever keeps him occupied.

He laughs hysterically at Michael just about every day.  Every time Michael walks into the room, Trip lights up and just waits for him to do something hilarious.  They are so completely adorable together.  Melts my heart :)

This past weekend was rough because it was the first time he has ever really, truly been sick.  I gotta be honest, it scared the crap out of me.  I was feeding him dinner Friday night.  We got about halfway through and he made a weird face, and proceeded to projectile vomit all over himself about three or four times.  He was a little cranky going to bed, but he didn't have a fever, so we just prayed it was a tummy ache.  The next morning, he had a horrible diaper, and started getting really fussy.  He had a temp of 101.2, so Michael left to go to the store and get some more tylenol and some pedialyte.  While he left, I thought I would give Trip a cracker.  He didn't even get it swallowed, and he threw up everywhere.  We had to go to Children's and he had a stomach virus, ear infection, and a cold...all on top of the fact that he's teething.  Poor guy was a champ though.  He cried at the doctor's office, but after that he was much better.  We had a helluva time getting him down for naps and bedtime though.  Sunday night, Jared and Kristin came over for dinner.  After dinner, I picked Trip up and his butt was wet.  I cringed.  It was the biggest, scariest, smelliest, rhea I have ever seen in my entire life.  Trip didn't even as much as whimper to let me know he was stewing in that mess.  My God.  I hope they weren't too traumatized.  That will be burned in my memory for awhile.

He is now saying "bye bye" and waving, and he also says "uh oh" and he barely gets out a "mama" or "dada" to the appropriate people, but it's so cute.  He gets super excited about saying "bye bye" and he will just sit there in the pack and play and wave to himself for 15 minutes.  He even does it when I'm rocking him to sleep.  There's probably more that I'm leaving out, but gotta run!

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