I think pregnancy is designed to make you as unsexy as absolute possible.
The biggest surprises along the way are how soon things happen to your body. For example, the toot n' scoot. I've never been around children before, so all I have to go by is other people's stories and movies/tv. Everything I've seen is that the uncontrollable toots come way later, when you're 8-9 months pregnant. Nope. You have to have the finesse of the toot n' scoot. Meaning, you WILL toot in public and you will have to walk away and/or just pretend like it didn't happen. No one is safe. There is no warning. The smallest activities such as getting out of a chair, or shutting a sliding glass door, will bring on the ever-sneaky, but always feared toot.
I had another doctor's appointment yesterday and she said, "Well, the good news is that you didn't gain nearly as much weight as last time". Whew, what a relief. I was worried I was getting fat. Thanks, doc. But she assured me that I will be approaching another growth spurt in the next few weeks and then it will even out. I've been avoiding mirrors.
Sleepless nights have already reared their ugly head and I get a very sharp pain in my back if I sit too long. Whoever said the 2nd trimester is easier than the first should be slapped. But seriously, I shouldn't complain that much. I'm so excited to meet Trip in a few months and I've been having a blast getting the nursery going. I cannot believe I only have four months left!!!