
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Time Flies

A lot has been going on lately and now that the holidays are here, I needed to update on little man.  I feel like a bad parent because Trip loves to watch t.v.  It doesn't matter what's on, he will sit there and stare at the screen forever.  If I put cheerios in front of him, he can sit there probably for a full 45 minutes without moving  (in his new big boy chair too).

 Cartoons and cheerios

He was sick for Halloween, so he only last about an hour in his costume.

After his birthday party, Trip was sick for a full two weeks.  I just keep telling myself that it's better for him to go through all this day care sickness now instead of later, but man he wasn't himself for the longest time.  He started out with a stomach bug, ear infection, and a cold.  On top of everything else, he was majorly teething.  I tell myself he's teething, but he hasn't sprouted a new tooth in several months.

After the stomach bug, he got another cold and just wasn't sleeping well and then he started having a fever.  We took him to the doctor and they said he was wheezing, so we had to start doing breathing treatments due to a lower resp infection.  To top it all off, then he started waking up with a very bad croupy cough and just simply didn't feel well.  I had to sleep with him in the guest room several nights.  It's a last-resort thing, but he just didn't want to go down and I think laying flat on his back made everything worse.

Sick baby :(

Now that we are (hopefully) sick free, he is back to his playful self.  Out of nowhere he started eating everything in sight.  We have had a few choking spells, so I'm scared to death to give him anything remotely hard.  I still mash everything up or cut it very finely.  I'm even scared to let him feed himself.  I know I'm holding him back and I'm going to probably hurt myself in the long run, but I just can't take any chances.

Over Thanksgiving, we started working with him on his walking and he's getting better and better, but he does everything on his own time.  Just this morning Michael and I tried working with him and he just fell to the floor and didn't even want to straighten his legs to even try.  Then, out of nowhere, he took steps from the coffee table to ottoman.  He really showed us, huh?

We had a great Thanksgiving at the Tidwell's house and it was great spending time with Nicole.  Trip got to eat a bunch of new stuff like pie and stuffing, so he was a happy camper.  It was nice getting back home and back on a schedule though.  This kid demands a schedule :)

He is going to kill me one day, but I had to post his "poop face".  He always goes into a corner to do his business.  

Sleepy baby after some delicious food.

Until next time, have a great Christmas!

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